
“Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do…but how much love we put in that action.”

- Mother Teresa


  • There are many reason a person would find himself without a home: mental illness, drug addiction, limited supports, job loss… and the list continues.

  • NVEDC-okc seeks projects which focus on Transitional Housing option for homeless citizens to build communities that will be safe and thriving, providing restoration.

Kick-Starter Unit

  • Making the transition from youth to young adulthood can be challenging. As young adults migrate from the homes of their parents, or aging out of foster care, many find that “living on your own” is not without challenges

  • Often, many young adults lack the tools needed to acquire or sustain independent housing.

  • The KickStarter Unit of NVEDC-Okc provides transitional housing for youth ages 17-25 years old

    • The program also provides mandatory training in the Art of Adulting, with mentorship and workshop topics including budgeting, life skills, relationships, self-care, etc..